Little Hinges Swing Big Doors – How a Couple of small changes to your hiring process can increase your talent attraction.

Little Hinges Swing Big Doors – How a Couple of small changes to your hiring process can increase your talent attraction.

There is a paradox inherent in the insurance industry’s mind set in that there is a belief that there is both an abundance of talent but also a scarcity of the right talent and that if the hiring company somehow...Read More
Hiring & Retaining The Best Talent in Insurance – A Recruiter’s Perspective!

Hiring & Retaining The Best Talent in Insurance – A Recruiter’s Perspective!

With over twenty year’s Insurance recruitment experience, I have witnessed first-hand several significant changes that have impacted the industry’s ability to hire and retain good talent. I’ve seen an industry with a relatively low barrier to entry become more professional...Read More